In order for your email marketing campaign to be a success, you’ll need a list of qualified email addresses who will be genuinely interested in what you have to offer. This is the best way of ensuring that you have the highest chance of conversion.
There are several ways you can go about growing your email list. The first is an “exit pop-up”, which targets website users who are about to leave your website for good. This is a great way of having one final stab at gaining their interest by enticing them to sign up to your newsletter. You can do this by adding free value! In other words, by signing up, they will have exclusive access to discounts, inside information, and whatever else you are prepared to give away to your members.
Another way of building your list is by creating an attractive opt-in. This could be in the form of a free e-Book. For example, if you sell BBQ’s, you could create an exclusive e-Book filled with unique and exciting recipes and give it away for free to those who sign up to your website. That way, not only will they be gaining access to free recipes that they will want to try out, but they will be giving you the go ahead to send them exclusive offers and additional information via email.
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