Retail Marketing

Retail Marketing refers to the strategies and processes retailers use to gain customers and sales.

What is Retail Marketing?

This refers to the whole process, from the businesses who create and sell the product to a store or online company, who then depend on customers to buy from them. This means the retailer, the intermediary between manufacturer and consumer, works with both sides to get the products to the customers.  The key points of Retail Marketing are generally known as the four ‘P’s’, Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Below we will go through these four key components in more detail, describing how Retail Marketing works and some strategies to ensure success. 

Below we will go through these four key components in more detail, describing
 how Retail Marketing works and some strategies to ensure success.


Product seems pretty self-explanatory. You need a product at the start of the process that you want to sell, be it physical or an idea. Once you have your product it is important to consider aspects such as type, variety and packaging. Customers look for specificity in their products, so having a variety of colours, sizes and versions is a good idea where possible. 


Price again seems simple but there is a lot to consider. You can take the traditional route of the costings calculator – work out how much the product cost to make, including of course all overheads etc., and then add on how much profit you want to make. 


You obviously need a place where people can purchase your products. This can be a physical store or it can be online; it is essential to know your target market and where that person is most likely to shop. 


It is crucial to communicate to your target audience information about your product, where they can buy it and why it is the right product for them. To do this you must first know who it is you are aiming to sell to. Once you have your ideal target market down, there are many different ways of advertising to them.

Physical vs Digital Retail Marketing

While there are still many benefits to Physical Retail Marketing, it must be said that digital is continuously growing and a huge source of custom. Physical Retail Marketing involves everything in your physical store from your displays to your staff. Staff are a key source of information, put people at ease and up-sell to increase the amount a person spends when they come into the store.
Digital Marketing is a better way to reach new customers, utilising social media, paid ads and email campaigns are all great strategies to promote your business or product. Google Shopping Ads show images of your products and give a detailed description which again allow people to feel more like they have an exact idea of what your product is and if it’s what they are looking for.
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