SEO Analysis

For the average webmaster, it is difficult to identify what are the main things holding their website back from performing well in search. First of all, one needs a thorough understanding of SEO fundamentals and technicals to identify SEO weaknesses in their website. Secondly, they need the tools available that allow them to highlight and organize these issues and, thirdly, a pragmatic and logical strategy of how to work through and address all issues identified. As well as the right knowledge and tools this invariably takes a considerable amount of time and effort which most business owners simply do not have. This is where TBS Marketing can help.

We can review your site and check to see which on-site and off-site optimizations are required.
SEO, for the most part, is a high data-driven industry in which the huge volumes of data and other information generated from a website must be closely monitored and adjusted correctly to achieve the best results. Constant monitoring is required to make sure that your competitors are not getting the edge over your website’s rankings for important and valuable keywords. Finding the time to ensure that appropriate oversight is applied to your campaign can be a challenge in itself, let alone also finding the time to perform the work itself!

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What is SEO Analysis?

Essentially, studying your website's analytics and performing thorough SEO Analysis is all about getting an idea of exactly how major search engines currently view your website and where you can potentially improve aspects either of your campaign or your site itself. Digital marketers looking to generate the best results for themselves or their clients perform constant and rigorous analysis on their campaigns to monitor the success of any changes they implement. This process essentially is designed to show you whether your SEO efforts are helping or hindering your website’s rank within search engine results.

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How do you analysize SEO data

This question has no real rigid and defined answer as every digital marketer has his or her techniques, tools, and methods that they employ to properly gauge the success of their actions. There are a few set principles, however, which you can follow to get an idea of how strong your site’s SEO is.

Find Your Rankings on Google

To improve upon them, you must have a clear idea of exactly how search engines are viewing your site, and more critically, where they are placing you in the rankings for your most relevant keywords. It is hard to gauge success if you do not have a baseline to compare to. There are plenty of tools available that can generate ranking reports and give you all the analytical information you could need to properly gauge where your campaign needs help.

Content Analysis

Google and other search engines use an algorithm to automatically scan, read and score your site's content on quality. Which in turn can affect the SEO of your site and Keyword Rankings. This is why it’s so important that your website has fresh, relevant, and unique content for the algorithm to “read” as it will help the program to determine exactly what your website does and which keywords to rank your site under. Having concise and clear content, as well as basing your headers and page titles around the keywords you wish to rank for can seriously help your SEO efforts.

Analyse Website Traffic Engagement

Traffic engagement and user experience can affect a site's SEO and the way people interact with your site can affect the success of your campaign. Google and other search engines can potentially, view websites with a high bounce rate (the rate of people clicking on a website then immediately leaving) or a low average time spent on the site negatively. Again, plenty of free tools are available to help you capture all of this information and put it to good use.

Link Analysis

Taking a good look at the incoming links to your website is also a good idea at this stage. It will give you an idea about exactly what links are directed towards your site and whether you need to look at sourcing new ones of better quality to get your website noticed as a source of authority.

Can TBS help me with my SEO Analysis?

TBS Marketing can help you with every aspect of your SEO campaign, including proper audit and analysis of your site both when we begin work and throughout the lifespan of your campaign. Our team of experts has the necessary knowledge, skills, and experience in constructing high-quality and profitable SEO campaigns. Our team has built so many successful campaigns in the past that we are bound to have experienced similar problems to which you are facing and know exactly how to rectify them quickly and efficiently.
Our continued successes speak for themselves and we have many happy clients who can attest to the professionalism and SEO prowess of our team. We pride ourselves in not just working with your website, but with you as a business and we will endeavour to properly understand how you function and how we can best assist you.
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Professional online marketing and SEO services in Bangkok, Thailand



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1023, 4th Floor TPS Building
Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang,
Bangkok 10250, THAILAND.
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1023, 4th Floor TPS Building, Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang,
Bangkok 10250, THAILAND
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